Tuesday 19 March 2013

So i bought a 20th anniversary edition copy of Godel, Escher and Bach by Hofstadter.  The man who sat next to me on the plane recognized it, mentioning he had read it years ago. I mentioned i'd missed it on the first time around (despite its years in print). The author, Douglas Hofstadter, got me thinking about how to do attribution. That lead me here: Attribution (copyright).  I liked that the book was recognized.

I'm also learning to generate product again. Years away from a thinker's keyboard, this might take a while to master, but what did Eliot say?

"In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.”
― T.S. Eliot 
Posting this keeps me honest if not completely presumptuous.  I hope to continue to be mindful of this.

What i plan to do is read the Hofstadter along with both a Brief Guide to Consciousness and Phantoms on the Brain. I'll record observations here and hopefully, that will inspire a true surfer adventure whose websites will be recorded here.

The man who sat next to me on the plane is a metaphor. I'm sorry i didn't speak more to him but he reminded me that there is a bigger world out there than i remembered. He is the one to whom i direct my questions and observations. A literary device that may not make it through editing. No biggie. I don't anticipate and audience.

Sidebar subjects are really so i have a place to point things. I don't do this usually but dealing with others....

That's it. I'm off to get yet another copy of Phantoms on the Brain (keep giving it away). Then we'll begin this quick trip through consciousness, the brain and the fun we can have with them.